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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Influence of students’ characteristics among public secondary schools

Influence of students’ characteristics among public secondary schools 

1.1 Background to the Study
Academic performance has for the past decades, been the center of interest in educational research.  Exploring the issue of achievement has extended beyond simple issue of intelligence prior academic into how learners interact with both the learning materials and environment several factors have been identified in explaining academic achievement such as demographic status (Ray, 2010), intelligence (Fernandez et al, 2007), behavioural characteristics (Burton et al, 2008), and psychological factors such as attributes (Erdogan, 2008), self esteem (Reasoner, 2005), self-efficiency (Olatunde, 2009), and self concept (Holliday, 2009).
At the senior secondary school level, Biologist is given the basic foundation practically and theoretically which prepares them for advanced studies at the tertiary level, hence, the need for their effective productivity as a guarantee for a promising future at this level becomes imperative.
In light of this expectation and definition of the subject which provides an overview of its elaborate scope and importance, achievement of students it has been and continues to be researched on and understood. Hughes (2000) asserted that a number of learning-related concepts such as perception of academic control and achievement motivation have long been a focus of attention when attempting to identify factors affecting learning output. One of these concepts in particular which have been provided some variable insight into the learning of science is the learner’s insight into the learning of science is the learner’s characteristics.
Characteristics or attitude according to (Gregory, 2009) means a personal disposition to the idea, object, mood, belief, etc. about it. It has always been observed that one attitude towards a subject can be favorable, unfavorable or neutral as the result of previous knowledge and misinformation about it with it elements under consideration. Students’ characteristics according to (Meandor, 2009). Refers to those behavioural patterns which either foster or inhibit the students’ performance at school. He outlined some of the characteristics of good students to include asking questions in the class, hard work, and regular class attendance, seizing of opportunities, trustworthiness, responsibility, and persistence which are not far from those expected of a good Biology scientist. In support, young (2006) identified that good student are those who always very attentive in class, consulting with instructors regularly, turn in assignment promptly making good use of extra hours.
        Biggs, (2006) observed that in most cases intelligent students in the class are not usually the most performing due to their extent of commitment since learning outcomes also depend on the character and not only intelligence. Hill (2008) added that class attendance and assignment to most teachers constitute students assessment instead of test, hence, irregular students in the class will perform lower than they should be in their overall score in such subject due to poor assessment in spite of their intelligence.
        Responsible students do not wait for teachers to tell them to submit their assignment, come to the class to teach at will or tell them to ask questions where they are last, but do this in their volition and blame themselves and not only on else for their misfortunes.
        Students have varying goals, some want all as while others just want to pass their classes, some go through the motion in school because their parent or families except it, but the most successful students have a commitment to learning, prepare reading time table, take down all notes, burn the midnight oil and get the best out of the class.
        Hill (2008) pointed out that a defining moment for a good student comes at the point of their first failure. Rochester (2013) also noted those students who desire independence and have a strong ambition to learn are more likely to persist and succeed in school. Student’s characteristics have been discovered to have a considerable influence on the academic performance of secondary school student according to recent studies including those carried out by Nelson (2008) Jude (2007), Rochester (2013).
        On the above reason, the researcher finds this topic an interesting aspect of scholarly investigation whose result shall be profitable to many and contribute vastly to the improvement of Biological science teaching in this modern world where pandemic health issues emerge on daily bases making the presence of medical experts in all homes and organizations an exigency.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
        The issue of poor academic performance in both external and internal examination in our secondary schools has remained annoying to parent, teachers, schools authority, ministry of education and even the government at various level for over a generation now especially in science subjects like Biology now that all nations are seriously competing over superiority in scientific advancement in the medical sphere.
        Since we have come to the understanding that learners characteristics have significantly influenced on students academic outcome and that our confidence reposed on examination dishonesty has been jeopardy or even canceling students, results on suspicion for excessive mal-practices, should we continue to drag our free and compulsory education programme to obloquy by moving from one public school to another in search of excellent performance or even attending classes in them but pay huge amount of money to write examination in special centers? Can we perform better when we do not develop a good study habit, participate regularly and effectively in classes and seize all our, learning opportunities?
        Biology teachers should not be apportioned all the blames for the persisting trend of low productivity in this regard, although the revised national policy of education (2014) strongly pointed that no education can rise above the level of its teacher, describing him as the key man in the process of teaching and learning.
        Most teachers have truly committed themselves to ensure they cover the syllabus for each external examination and complete their schemes for each term and session in the practical and theoretical areas before examinations commence, yet some students do not even bother attending classes nor read at home in preparation but will only be regular in school during or as examination time approaches. It is believed that when the best remedy shall be applied the cry of poor performance in Biology among secondary school students shall be assuaged a reason this is embarked upon in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
        The general aim of this study is to examine the influence of students’ characteristics among public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area but shall specifically concentrate o the following purposes:
To examine the influence of students regularity in class on their academic performance in Biology.
To investigate the gate effect of students’ use of learning opportunities on their academic performance in Biology.
To verify the influence of students’ study habit on their academic performance in Biology.
1.4 Significance of the Study
        The finding of this study shall be beneficial to students’, parents, teachers, school authorities, and the government and fellow researchers in the following ways:
Students and parent shall be made to see how they have contributed to the problem of poor academic in Biology and what they should do as their part of the responsibility to solve the problem.
Teachers and school authorities shall be enlightened on the need to eschew examination dishonesty and look at other ethical ways of improving students’ attitude learning through advising them to be committed, organizing counseling programmes for them in the school, approaching their parents where necessary and possible formulating laws that guide students participation in school with disciplinary measures attached to instill fear in their heart against unwelcoming attitude towards learning.
        The government shall be reminded of their roles which include sponsoring of their organize seminar for teachers on how to cope with student characteristics organizing counseling for students on behavior improvement among others.
        Follow researchers on this or related topic shall find this material very useful I improving their literature which shall then serve them time and energy.
1.5 Research Questions
        The researcher constructed the following questions to guide the study:
i.             Does students’ regularity in class have a significant difference in their academic performance of the student in Biology in public secondary school in Essien Udim Local Government Area?
ii.            Do students use learning opportunities has a significant difference in their academic performance in Biology in public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
iii.          Does students’ study habit have a significant difference in their academic performance in Biology in public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area?
1.6   Research Hypotheses
        To guide the study, the researcher formulated the under listed null hypotheses:
i.             There is no significant difference in students’ regularity in class on their academic performance in Biology among public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
ii.            There is no significant difference in students’ use of learning opportunity on their academic performance in Biology in public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
iii.          There is no significant difference in students’ performance in Biology among public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.

1.7 Limitation of the Study
        The study was hindered by inadequate time, a poor network for a gathering of information online, financial constraint and other logistics on the part of the researcher and that of the Research Area. As such, the study could not be carried out in all the public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area but ended up sampling only five (5) out of ten (10) public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area.
1.8. Delimitation of the Study
        The finding of this study was delimited to only the public secondary schools in Essien Udim Local Government Area and their Biology students only.
Students’ regularity in class, use of learning opportunities and study habit were the characteristics of Biology students considered in this research work.
 Scholars’ views to support this work were only those from the year 2000 to date neglecting all views and definitions earlier established before this time.

1.9   Definition of Terms
Students: this is referred to the learner or someone who attends an educational institution.
Characteristics: This refers to the features, qualities or attributes that distinguished one student from another.
Academic: It concern with education especially studying and learning.
Performance: How well or badly something is done.
Students’ characteristics: These refer to attitudes of students which could either promote or hinder learning.
Biology: Is refers to the study of life and living organism.

School: This is a place where student acquires knowledge or skills from the teacher.

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