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Friday, March 1, 2019

The Influence Of Music As Instrument For Social Development Of Pre-Primary Schools In Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

The Influence Of Music As Instrument For Social Development Of Pre-Primary Schools In Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

1.1              Background to the Study
Music is an art of combining sounds in the rhythm that is pleasant to ears. It appears to be universal of human activity either for its sake or a part of other activities such as dancing, working, playing and worshiping. According to Nye (2010), music education instructs and civilizes as well as glorifies out human potentials for imagination and discipline. Music is one of the oldest of the arts. Primitive men probably initiated the sound birds banged drums and made pipes from reads as early as they drew on the walls of their cave homes.
             Music serves as a representation of ideas since music exists in the world of the abstract, the world for the listener and the performer who is transmitting information in the art form. There is a need to expand the purpose and intention of the composer. The listener is to hear and learn how to participate in the music process. Music is one of seven liberal art used in old school curriculum to educates the pupils and also serves as a medium of communication in schools. In this regard, music as an instrument of social development to civilized the young people of the society as well as helped promote national consciousness.
According to Ernest (2012), music plays a vital role in regulating, sustaining and preserving the various institutions of the society and its people. It serves as an instrument of discipline and social control. Music is one instrument that increases pupils’ productivity and happiness as well as decreases their stress levels. Throughout a child school years, music has been shown to have multiple impacts in their life. Hallam (2011) explore the effect of music on memory performance, it was discovered that children behaviour can be affected by the types of music they are exposed to. He stated that aggressive music affects children’s behaviour (they exhibit lower levels of pro-social behaviour). In a slightly different approach, another study found that calming music improved memory task and behavior in emotionally disturbs children, particularly for children who were hyperactive or stimulus seeking. He suggested that music provided sufficient arousal so as to satisfy the children’s need for stimulation without interfering with their concentration. It is against this background that the study sought to find out the influence of music as an instrument for social development of the pre-primary school in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

1.2              Statement of the Study
Introduction of music in pre-primary school’s curriculum has not been carried out in Nigeria unlike the United States of America and other advanced countries in the world. It is obvious that about all radio and television stations in the country, which are the major means of disseminating information in Nigeria devote most of their time to music programmes. In this regard, the problem of this research study is to what extent does music influences pupils’ social development in pre-primary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.  
1.3              Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of music as an instrument for social development of pre-primary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Specifically, the study intends to:
i.                 assess the relationship between music activity and communication skills in pre-primary school pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
ii.               examine the relationship between music activity and leadership skills in pre-primary schools pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
iii.             examine the relationship between music activity and competitive skills in pre-primary schools pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
1.4           Significance of the Study
The study will be helpful to the following people in the following ways:
i.                 It will expose the pupils to various music activities both in schools and at homes.
ii.               It will help the teachers to reserve energy in terms of talking and explaining too much for the children.
iii.             It will inculcate the spirit of teamwork among the pupils in the classroom.
iv.             It will serve as an eye opener to both parent and government to provide musical instruments in pre-primary schools for pupils.
v.               It will also help to reduce the spirit of laziness among pupils
1.5           Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:
i.                 What is the relationship between music activity and pupils’ communication skills in pre-primary schools?
ii.               What is the relationship between music activity and leadership skills in pre-primary schools pupils
iii.             What is the relationship between music activity and pupils’ competitive skills in pre-primary schools?
1.6      Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study:
i.                 There is no significant relationship between music activity and pupils’ communication skills in pre-primary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
ii.               There is no significant relationship between music activity and leadership skills in pre-primary schools pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
iii.             There is no relationship between music activity and competitive skills in pre-primary schools pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area
1.7      Limitation of the Study
            The scope of this study is to view music activities and its social development. In view of the economic situation in the country, coupled with financial constraints, it has made it impossible to cover the whole of Nsit Ubium local government Area. Hence, the questionnaire was administered only to the respondents in the selected pre-primary schools.
1.8         Delimitation of the Study
The study is limited to the influence of music as an instrument for social development of preprimary school pupils in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Only public pre-primary schools were used for the study
1.9              Definition of Terms
Music: is an art of combining sound and wave together to form a rhythm that is pleasant to the ear.
Instrument: is a tool or utensil a contrivance for producing musical sound.

Social: is relating to human society, living in communities, enjoy or take the company.

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