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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Inclusion Of History Of Education Into The Curriculum Content Of Universities In Nigeria

The Inclusion Of History Of Education Into The Curriculum Content Of Universities In Nigeria

The relevant history of education as a course in the universities in Nigeria has left us with the manifestation that the course is fast going into extinction and in itself becoming a course of the past, as it is often referred to, as the course where the past is studied. At one time in the country, history as a school course was completely expunged from the curriculum as if there was no need for people to understand or know their history and that of the society in which they live. Sequel to this removal, some experts and professionals rose to the challenges by salvaging history teaching and learning from being relegated to the background and leading to the reintroduction of the course in the curriculum of universities in Nigeria, but still offered as an optional course, particularly at the universities and not at all in the college of education as it used to be.
Academically, history is a discipline that deals with human actions in the past, pursued by interpretation of evidence for the sake of human knowledge. It is commonly used to connote the entire human past as it actually happened. Looking at history as a discipline. Osokoya (1989) says it has developed from mere description of past events to interpretation of evidence of what happened in the past events, evaluating such evidence and presenting the evidence in a form that would give intellectual analysis. Osokoya further stresses that history is the development of human societies in space and time, for it embraces the thoughts and actions of men and women in the past and present.

The Relevance Of History Of Education Into The Curriculum Of Nigerian Universities

History promotes the understanding of our heritage by exploring the society; that
is, what the society is, how it grows, the way it works and what it has achieved. History also helps to know what the societies had been like in the past as well as how their evolution could give us the clue to the factors that operate in them, the Currents and forces that move them, the motives and conflicts, both general and Personal that shape events.
This aspect is most accurately illustrated with the information provided in Sherman and Kirschner (1976:4) that “when the leading professors of education in major colleges and universities were polled at the beginning of the last century concerning the subjects most essential in the education of teachers, 90% nominated the history of education”.

Nevertheless, the significance of history of education in teacher preparation is such that anyone who will teach others, as a teacher must have been equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding of what to teach, especially as it concerns history and education to forestall or prevent occurrence or reoccurrence of nagging educational problems. In this regard, Ward (1960:22) posits that a bad teacher of history can waste time by teaching his class lists of names and dates without helping them (students to understand).

Similarly, underscoring the relevance of History and History of Education; Kosemani (2011) noted that history helps to promote understanding through the acquisition of relevant information. Well ordered information increases students’ understanding of historical events and happenings of their time. Adequate understanding promotes education. Education in this sense is not mere regurgitation of facts but ‘what is left when one has forgotten all that one has ever learned’. And below are reasons for the inclusion of the history of education as a course in the curriculum content of Nigeria universities;

1.    The study of the past would help modern educators or teachers to become more aware of  the implications of the various issues involved in education
2.    It will increase the ability of educators to influence educational policies under which they are operating, for which their knowledge of the past they can now offer alternative for actions.
3.    Only by studying the history of other civilizations can we become aware that the principles upon which our own is founded are peculiar and unique
4.    The knowledge of the past brings us acquaintance with the thoughts of men       who differ     from ourselves not being uncivilized or less civilized, but in being differently civilized, we are thus made conscious that civilization is relative to societal values.
5.    A study of the past enables us to analyze the present critically and Objectively.
6.    The basic problems of education are persistent and perennial and they must be solved by each generation and from one culture to the other. The accumulated solutions constitute a historical laboratory which can in several ways serve those concerned with the problems of education. History of education will allow us to be familiar with how educational thinkers have responded to the social demands of their times.
7.    People concerned with the improvement of teaching can learn such as a study of the way in which effective and great teachers have actually taught their pupils.
8.    Educators will no longer be at the receiving end of educational policies formulated by others. Rather, they will be in a position to assist in formulating more adequate policies which will be implemented by them in the classroom.
9.    History of education offers a personal intellectual education for the teacher.
10. The teacher can develop greater confidence in his ability by becoming familiar with the roots of education.

In synopsis, the relevance of the history of education in the overall teacher education program in universities can be considered “existential”, from the justification of Maxine Greene in her writing – “Seeking Our Education Past” who says that studying the history of education provides an opportunity for students and teachers to learn to choose intelligent and courageous actions among ambiguous and often agonizing alternatives. With this, teachers become professional by making such choices.
This then means that the knowledge of the history of education is indispensable for teachers to be able to effectively perform their duties. The teacher’s knowledge of the history of education is indeed synonymous to having the potentials to influence and initiate positive developmental changes in the self and the society.


Kosemani, I. C. (2011). The teaching method in history. Unpublished Lecture Manual.
           The University of Port Harcourt.
Osokoya, I. O. (1989). History and policy of education in world perspective. Ibadan:
           AMD Publishers
Sherman, R. R. and Kirschner, J. (1976) Understanding history of education.
          Cambridge & USA: Schenkman Publishing Co.
The New World Encyclopedia (2008) “Historiography” Web Source
Furley, O. W. and Watson, T. (1978). A history of education in East Africa. USA &
            Nigeria: NOK Publishers International Ltd.


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