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Treat every human being with the fear of God believing that we are all from the same source and in that same source we will all return to give account of our earthly dealings with one another

Tuesday, June 25, 2019




The purpose of this study was to examine free and compulsory education policy and enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom local government area. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. A survey design was used for this study. The population of this study comprised of (5929) students in ten (10) public secondary schools in the study area. A total of two hundred and fifty (250) junior students were used as a sample size through random sampling technique.  The questionnaire was the major instrument for the study. Simple percentage was used as a method of data analysis to calculate the responses. The findings revealed among other things that free and compulsory education policy really influence enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools. Finally, it was recommended that seminars and workshops should be conducted for all heads of schools concerning enrolments pattern in junior secondary school so that they could have a normal class size to enhance better performance of students. 

1.1       Background of the Study
                        The concept of free and compulsory education is not new in the history of education. Thomas Paine was among the earliest proponent of universal free public education which was considered to be good ideas at the time. During the time the United States government introduced free and compulsory education under the banner of free or universal education and eventually extended it across the country. Compulsory education did not meet with serious resistance, but in some cases, government agents forced children to attend schools at gunpoint (Etuk, 2009).
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             Government compulsory education is typically funded through compulsory taxes paid by the citizen’s failure to participate in free and compulsory education or to pay compulsory taxes often result in imprisonment of guardians or parents of children who failed to comply with government directives. As pointed out by Gregory (1980) and Thomas (1982), in some cases, it could result in children being separated from their parents and assigned to be with parents by the government.
                        Free education also sponsored by private individuals through scholarship. Government’s compulsory education especially in countries such as Cuba, where no alternative form of education are allowed and where attempts to supplement or criticize the government’s compulsory education is often met with harsh punishment.
                        In Nigeria, free education first arrived in the West through the instrumentation of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and in Akwa Ibom State by Chief God’swill Akpabio’s administration. Therefore, the issue of free and compulsory education in Akwa Ibom State starting from primary to secondary schools came with the administration of Chief God’swill Akpabio which comes to power on 29 May 2007. By declaring free and compulsory education in Akwa Ibom State for the benefit of all the indigenes, he has made education an inalienable right of the people ranging from primary to secondary school levels with the government bearing its cost. This informs its inclusion in the new reform initiative which specifically addressed the need to remove disparities that put the girl-child at a disadvantage position (Ageyegbe, 2000). The improved awareness of the significant role of education has brought about an increase in school enrolment and literacy level among girls particularly in Ibiono Ibom, but disparity remains as an issue between boys and girls in the junior secondary schools.
1.2         Statement of the Problem
                        The problem of unequal status of parents access of children to educational achievement and attainment has created serious problems to both economic, social and political development of Ibiono Ibom local government area and Akwa Ibom State at large, which is the focus of this research. This prompted the government to establish free and compulsory education policy in the area and the entire state, so that every a child will have the opportunity to obtain basic education.
It is however hope that a program of free and compulsory education policy has a capacity of changing the behaviour of every Akwa Ibom child. In implementing this policy, one basic question to be asked is, does this policy increase the enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom local government area? This study, therefore, desires to find a solution to certain mind tasking questions.  

1.3         Purpose of the Study
                        The main aim of this study is to examine free and compulsory education policy and enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom local government area. The following specific purposes were used:
i.                    To examine the impact of free and compulsory education policy and the enrolment pattern in a junior secondary school in Ibiono Ibom local government area.
ii.                  To assess how quality and quantity of teacher’s influence the implementation of free and compulsory education policy in Ibiono Ibom local government area.
iii.                To examine whether free and compulsory education policy increase or decrease enrolment pattern in a junior secondary school in Ibiono Ibom local government area.   
1.4       Significance of the Study       

i.                    The findings from the study will be of immense benefits to the government and teachers as it will help them to understand the importance of free and compulsory education policy. 

ii.                  It will also reveal the extent to which local government areas have taken advantage of this laudable policy to ensure that indigenes of these areas attain basic education.  

iii.                This the study will be of benefits to students as they need to bring about active positive changes and the life of every Akwa Ibom child. 

iv.                Finally, this study will act as an index for future researchers.

1.5       Research Questions
This study will seek to answers the following research questions:
i.                    What the role does free and compulsory education policy play towards enrolment pattern in Ibiono Ibom local government area?

ii.                  Does quality and quantity of teachers influence free and compulsory education policy and enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools? 

iii.        Does free and compulsory education policy increase or decrease enrolment pattern in junior secondary school? 

1.6              Limitation of the Study
                        In writing a research study like this, certain limitations are bound to occur. This include among others:
i.                    The time given for the completion of this study is adequate to make research like this has a wider scope.

ii.                  Financial constraint exerted pressure on the study as the researcher scarcely had enough financial resource to enable him to expand the scope of the study.  

1.7       Delimitation of the study
                        This study focuses on free and compulsory education policy and enrolment pattern in junior secondary schools only in Ibiono Ibom local government area of Akwa Ibom State.

1.8       Definition of Terms
                        For the purpose of this study, the following terms are defined as follows: 
            Teacher: A teacher is a person who teaches, instructs and directs others to know a particular thing and learn.

            Free Education: This is an education given or obtained without charges or payment of free of any kind.

            Compulsory: Making things mandatory or with force to do.

            Basic Education: This is the education which starts from the primary level of education to the post-primary level.

            Participatory Democracy: This refers to a process which an individual participates actively in the elected government   of the day.

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