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Treat every human being with the fear of God believing that we are all from the same source and in that same source we will all return to give account of our earthly dealings with one another

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Students’ Characteristics And Academic Performance In Economics

Students’ Characteristics And Academic Performance In Economics

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1.1   Background to the Study

                Students’ characteristics can be referred to as qualities that can be measured with test or derived from their academic or professional records. They indicate that students’ characteristics do not generally refer to the direct observation of their influence on their learning in terms of either student’s test performance, rather the approaches dealt within the scope of this research are those characteristics of students that might be identified and  used in the initial hiring of students to increase their performance.    

                Willis, (2004) indicates that the characteristics could include qualities of students that are viewed as personal such and mental ability, age, gender or as experiential. However, definition or concept of student’s characteristics is vague and ambiguous but characteristics is concept that defines emotional trends in response to affairs, person, location, events or ideas. Other factors relate to individual characteristics such as self-concept, ways of control and achievement motivation. According to Wary and Newlin (2002), high motivation level, maturity and self-discipline are seen as necessary general characteristics of successful students for the achievement of education goals and objectives. Willis (2004), a combination of cognitive style, personality characteristics and self-expectations is asserted to be able to predict the achievement of students in schools. By this study, it is aimed to determine the self-efficacy beliefs foe education success, achievement goals.

                There has been many works performed on student’s characteristics and academic performance. In some of the oxford, Re-park-oh and Sumrall. in the Japanese language program published through satellite television has been shown that student’ characteristics like motivation learning styles, gender and learning strategies played a very important role in academic achievement of students.

Lim (2001) have compared high achieving and low achieving among Economics students in secondary schools, according to their study habits system, other commitment and self perception have shown that motivation is a factor affecting performance. As well as these students characteristics mentioned above self-efficacy studies are also very popular in secondary schools. Some of these can be summed up as such Joo, Bong and Choi (2000) examined effect of student characteristics on performance in web-based instruction (NBI) and found that students self-efficacy for self-regulated learning position related to his/her academic self-efficacy strategy use, and internet self-efficacy in a work aiming to form a model that can predict the satisfaction of web-based and their intension in Economics.

                Lein (2001) has indicated that self-efficacy in computer knowledge was the only statistically significant variable that can help predict the performance. 


1.2    Statement of the Problem

                The issue of poor academic performance of students in Economics has been of much that it has led to the widely acclaimed fallen standard of education in Oron local government and Akwa Ibom State at large.

Considering government huge investment in public education, its output in terms of quality of students has been observe to be unequal with government expenditure. Consequent upon the observed deterioration in academic performance, characteristics and values of secondary school students wonder if the high failure rates and the poor quality of the students is not a reflection of learning styles, self-efficacy and student’s perception. In other words, the indiscipline among students in classroom could be responsible for the observed poor performance of students, therefore this study was designed to examine students characteristics and their academic performance in Economics in Oron local government area of Akwa Ibom State.

Students’ Characteristics And Academic Performance In Economics

1.3   Purpose of the Study

                The main purpose of this study was to examine students’ characteristics and academic performance in Economics in selected secondary schools in Oron local government area. Specifically, the study aims at:

i.             To examine whether self-efficacy influence student’s academic performance in Economics.


ii.            To assess whether learning style influences students academic performance in Economics. 


iii.          To ascertain whether students’ perception influence students’ academic performance in Economics.


1.4   Significance of the Study       

                The study therefore is significant in the following ways:

i.             For students; it will provide peer groups with Suggestion and feedback about what they should think and how they should behave in social situations.    


ii.            Parents; it will enable parents to pay a large role in how students function in everyday activities.


iii.          Teachers; it is vital for education-related professionals to understand the complex aspects to peer group characteristics in order to influence negative attitude towards academic performance. 


iv.     Finally, this study will enable the researcher to focus on the topic for a further research.


1.5 Research  Questions                                                                                

To aid this study, the following research questions were formulated:

i.             To what extent does self-efficacy influence students’ academic performance in Economics?


ii.            Does learning style influence student’s academic performance in Economics?


iii.     How does student’s perception influence their academic performance in Economics?

1.6   Limitation of the Study

                This research study encountered some impediments which were unavoidable, some of these problems are:

        1.     Lack of finance to carry out the research work to a wider area.


        2.     Time factor and mobility had its effects on the efforts of making an enhance study. 


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