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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Influence of class size and pupils academic in Basic science in primary schools

Influence of class size and pupils academic in Basic science in primary schools


1.1            Background of the Study                                            

          As school population increases, class size also increases and the performance of pupils become an issue. According to Oror (2005), class size has become a phenomenon often mentioned in the educational literature as an influence on pupil’s feelings and achievement, on administration, quality and school budgets. In his word she noted, that class size is almost an administrative decision over which teacher has little or no control. Most researchers start from the assumption that the size of the class would prove a significant determinant of the degree of success of pupils. In fact, with the exception of a few, many studies have reported that under ideal situation, class size in itself appears to be an important factor.
          Class size refers to an educational tool that can be used to describe the average number of pupils per class in school (Adeyemi, 2008) saw it as a tool that can be used to measure the performances of the education system. In relation to size, Kedney (2009) reported that the national utilization of space depends upon class size. This, in
turn, would depend upon the area of the classroom. He argued that there are approved norms of class size 40 pupils per class for grades 1 to8 and 35 pupils per class for senior classes; while the standard allocation of class space per pupil is 1: 25 square meters. Fuel pupils per class are uneconomical, as they do not make full use of space, teachers and teaching materials. The average class size influences the cost of education while the capital cost could be reduced by increasing the average class size in school while Nwadini (2006) argued that the higher the class size, the lower the cost of education. He contended, however, that most classrooms are over-crowded spreading resources thinly and thereby affecting the quality of education.
          The issue of poor academic performance of pupils in Mkpat Enin has been much concern to all and sundry. The problem is so much that it has led to the decline in the standard of education since the academic success of pupils depends largely on the school environment, it is imperative to examine the impact variables of class size and school population on the academic performance of pupils in primary school.
          Large class size and overpopulated schools have a direct impact on the quality of teaching and possibilities for mass failure can make pupils lose interest in school. This is because large class size does not allow an individual pupil to get attention from reading scores, frustration and poor academic performance.
          In order to better understand the skill levels of pupils, it might be necessary to evaluate factors affecting their performance. These factors can include: school structure curriculum and teaching philosophies (Driscoll, Halcussis 2003). The idea that school population and class size might affect pupils performance is consistent with the growing literature the relationship between public sector arrangement and outcome. The purpose of this research is to further examine the relationship between the class size and academic performance of primary pupils in Basic science in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area.

1.2            Statement of the problem:

          The current development of  education reforms in Nigeria, and  specifically increase in students  and  pupils enrollment in secondary and  primary schools. This increase in pupils  enrollment  should be  backed up with a corresponding increase  in infrastructure  as  well as a teacher  into large  class –size  and  stress  on the  teacher  with the workload in terms  of  managing  the  huge  number of pupils allocated to each teacher. Today, it is easy to find classroom as large as fifty (50) and above taught, by a teacher.
          This  the figure is  between, it differs  with the  provision of  the  national policy on education (2004), that  the  teacher  to pupils  ratio, should  be  1: 15 and  1: 25 in junior and senior primary schools respectively. The contentions  issue  in this  the direction is  whether  class – size  has  the  capacity to  exert a significant impact on pupils’ academic performance in Basic sciences. It is therefore upon this basis that the researcher intends to conduct an investigation into Class-size and Pupils’ Academic Performance in Basic Science in primary schools in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State.
1.3            Purpose of the Study
          The main purpose of the study is to determine the influence of class size and pupils academic in Basic science in primary schools, specifically the study seeks:
i. To examine the influence of large class size and pupils academic performance in Basic Science.
ii. To determine the influence of small class-size on pupils academic performance in Basic Science.
1.4            Significance of the Study
          The Nigerian education system is progressively becoming more and more complex. But the catalogue of sources shows that Nigerian. Primary schools are over congested and thereby leads to a decline in the teaching and learning of Basic Science. Based on this, the research work contains the researcher’s contributions that would be of help and useful to education policy planners, ministry of education authorities, school administrators and management in primary schools towards helping pupils to improve the quality of facilities in the education system. Apart from the above, the research will provide valuable information on the influence of different interacting factors on the effects of class size on the teaching and learning of Basics among primary pupils. The content of the study will also serve as resource materials for others who want to carry out further research.
1.5 Research Questions
i.) To what extent does large class-size influence pupils’ academic performance in Basic Science?
ii.) Does small class-size influence pupils’ academic performance in Basic Science?
1.6 Research Hypotheses
1. There is no significant influence of Large class size and pupils’ academic performance in Basic Science.
2. There is no significant influence of small class size and pupils’ academic performance in Basic Science.
1.7     Limitation of the Study;
          In the course of carrying out this investigation of the research was faced with certain nagging problems which posed reasonable obstacles to the success of these projects. There were financial stress which hindered the speedy procurement of the required materials for the work, the attitude of some groups of the selected respondent, time frame for the work, fuel scarcity that hindered the transportation in getting the necessary information expected elaborateness. The result obtained from this work was therefore not generalized as they remain valid only within Mkpat Enin Local Government Area where the investigation was conducted.
1.8     Delimitation of the study
          The study is especially talking about the impact of class size and academic performance of primary pupils in Basic Science in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area. The study will concentrate on the effects of class size on the teaching and learning of primary pupils in Basic Science in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area.
1.9   Definition of Terms 
Academic Performance: The level of knowledge or skills attained by a student in a given subject usually designed by them during the process of assessment.
Influence: This is the power to affect somebody’s character, belief or action through example your advice and admonition.
Basic Science: The most important and necessary fact, skills, ideas, knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world.
Large class- size: Regular (Large) Class - Contains 22-25 pupils.
 Medium Class-size: This is the middle point or stage between large class and small class size.
Small Class –Size: Small Class - Contains 13-17 pupils.

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