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Treat every human being with the fear of God believing that we are all from the same source and in that same source we will all return to give account of our earthly dealings with one another

Friday, August 14, 2020

Comparison Of Microbial Content And Physiochemical Parameters In Water

Comparison Of   Microbial Content And Physio-chemical Parameters In Water

1.1      Background of the Study
Water is a liquid mineral; consist of two atoms of hydrogen with one atom of oxygen (2H2+02     2H20). Water is a tasteless, odourless and colourless mobile liquid. It has a freezing point of 00C (320F, 2730K), and a boiling point of 1000C (2120F, 3730K). Water is a universal solvent; it is also a necessity of life.
In the absence of water, higher animals survive only but a few hours of days. It has several uses such as; washing, cooking, food processing, swimming, and among others. Out of these uses, drinking of water seems to be the most sensitive as it could have a direct deleterious (harmful) impact on human health.
Therefore, drinking water should be portable, free of diseases or toxic substances (Beren G. L., 1991). The problem of providing safe and adequate water is as old as life on earth. Water can be made unfit or unsafe for drinking if contamination occurs either by native or by activities of human beings. Perhaps, the greatest danger associated with drinking water is contamination by human excreta (Forest 1979). In most cases, the population of contamination is hardly severe and is not particularly detrimental to health.
Thus, a few substances and microbes that are health hazards to occur in water can cause illness or even death. From microbiological point of view, the pathogens most frequently transmitted through water supply ranges from ultra-small virus to microscopic bacteria and relatively large cysts Entamueba Histolytica. These organisms cense infection of intestinal tract, when consumed, censing amoebic dysentery and Giardiasis.
Defective plumbing for example was the cause of outbreak during the World Fair in Chicago 1998 (1987). Water borne disease cause acute diarrhea often lasts 2-3 months. The most common water borne disease can be caused by bacteria including typhoid fever, paratyphoid, Asiatic cholera and bacteria dysentery.
Water, which is the commonest fluid, is also vital resources for agriculture, manufacturing and other human activities. In urban areas, the careless disposed of industrial effluent and other wastes in rivers and lakes may contribute greatly to poor quality of river water most of the rivers in urban areas of the developing countries are the ends of effluents discharged from the industries. African countries experiencing rapid industrial growth and this is making industrial conservation a difficult task.
The quality of ground water is the result of all the process and reactions that act on the water from the moment its condense in the atmosphere to the time it is discharged by a well desirable limits of water parameters in drinking waters prescribed by different agencies. Industrialization and urbanization has major impact on river water. Both surface and sub-surface water sources are getting polluted due to industrial waste. The relevance of the problem has encouraged the researcher in carrying out this work.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

        Industrialization and urbanization have major impact on sachet water sources, as many are getting polluted due to environmental activities. The discharged chemicals interact with river water which is used in the production of sachet water and alter the PH and other parameters. Water can be made unfit or unsafe for drinking if contamination occurs either by nature or activities of human being. Perhaps, the greatest danger associated with drinking water is contamination by human that are health hazard do occur in water and cause illness or even death.

1.3      Objective of the Study

The objective of this project is;
i.             To make comparative analysis of microbial content and physio chemical parameters of water
ii.            To identify the microbial content and the physio chemical PH value of sachet water
iii.          To identify electrical conductivity of sachet water
1.4      Hypothesis
Ho1: Industrialization and Urbanization has increased the bacteriological content of sachet water in Akwa-Ibom State.
Ho2: Industrialization and Urbanization has decreased the bacteriological content of sachet water in Akwa Ibom State.
1.5      Limitation of Study
This project is set to compare the microbial content and physiochemical parameters of water. The research work is restricted to the randomly selected sachet water companies. This choice is due to financial constraints that will be experienced in carrying out the analysis of water sample gotten from this selected companies.
1.6      Significance of Study
The importance of this study will help in identifying sachet water quality conditions from various sources in Uyo. The major activities are the necessity to provide data and information on the bacteriological, physical and chemical properties of sachet water samples in the study area. It also gives a summary of the level of these properties investigated in the selected companies within the study area.
1.7      Definition of Terms

Amoebic Dysentery: is an infection of the intestine, resulting in severe diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the faeces caused by entamoeba histolytica.

Asiatic Cholera: is an acute infectious enteritis endemic and epidemic in Asia, caused by vibrio cholerae, marked by severe diarrhea and vomiting with extreme fluid and electrolyte depletion, and by muscle cramps and prostration.
Bicarbonate: is a chemical that act as a buffer. It keeps the PH of blood from becoming too acidic or too basic.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: they are group of chemicals composed of carbon, chlorine and hydrogen. They are used as insecticides such as, chlorophenol ethane and also as organic solvent such as, chloro form.
Conveyance: the action or process of carrying someone or something from one place to another.
Cytoplasm: is the material of protoplasm within a living cell, excluding the nucleus.
Defective Plumbing: Are the existence of old or incompatible piping materials, as well as faulty fixtures and waste lines.
Deleterious: causing harm in a subtle or unexpected way.
Effluents: liquid waste or sewage discharged into the river or the sea.
Floc: a loosely dumped mass of fine particles.
Giardiasis: is an infection in the small intestine. It is caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia lamblia.
Glycolysis: the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.
Indicator Bacteria: these are types of bacteria used to detect and estimate the level of fecal contamination of water. They are not dangerous to human health but are used to indicate the presence of a health risk.
Organo Phosphate: is any organic compound whose molecule contains one or more phosphate ester groups, especially a pesticide of this kind.
Opportunistic Pathogens: are organisms that are capable of causing disease only when the host’s resistance is lowered, for example by other diseases or drugs.
Perspiration: is the process of sweating or to secrete a salty, watery fluid from the sweat glands of the skin.

Spawned: to produce or lay eggs in water.

Radioactive substances: the extra energy, or radioactive emitted by radioactive elements, comes in three different types; alpha, beta and gamma.

Universal Solvent: solvent that is capable of dissolving all kinds of solutes in aqueous solution.

Water: this is a tasteless, colourless and odourless mobile liquid with a melting point of 00C and boiling point of 1000C, it consist of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (2H20).

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